Bontrager Line Elite Dropper Under-Bar Seatpost Lever

This item / size combination is out of stock. Please contact the store as more may be on order. You can call 01926 430211 or email us here.
We expect to have more available from 11/06/2024.
Part Number:




An ergonomic under-bar lever for the Line Elite Dropper.
- Cable-actuated remote lever for the Bontrager Line Elite Dropper Seatpost
- Compatible with most other cable-actuated dropper seatposts
- Designed to ergonomically replace the left shifter on 1x drivetrains
- Textured thumb paddle provides grip in all conditions
- Includes hardware for Shimano I-Spec II compatibility
- Remove band clamp for SRAM MatchMaker compatibility
- Shift cable sold separately

Colours BLACK
Brand Bontrager
Barcodes 601842090015
SKUs / Part Numbers 582177

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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